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Stage 2 Exhibitors: Sales Pitch Happy

Exhibitors that are in the second stage of experience have obviously matured from the entry-level days of working in display booths for the first time; but at the second stage there are still many improvements needed. They are usually obsessed with the concept of a sales pitch, and can’t improvise naturally to make the exchange more comfortable Exhibitors in this stage, often have trouble removing themselves from the roles they play at their organization or company, and do not realize that the show floor is very different and requires a new perspective and approach to selling, etc.

Table Top Displays | Show DisplaysExhibitors at the second stage tend to stalk prospects like hunters searching for prey. They seem to be urgent and abrasive in their memorized rhetoric filled with wordy explanations of every benefit and feature of every product or service available, even though it may actually be of no interest to the potential customer they are visiting with. Trade show attendees come to these events to search for information about how products and services provided will help them or their company individually. If your exhibitors are only getting general information from exhibitors it may not be enough to make the sale, and exhibitors in this stage have not quite figured that out yet.

The most important thing to remember is that evolving through the stages is a necessary process that all exhibitors have to go through in order to gain experience and learn the ropes. But, if clear objectives are set at the beginning, these stages can be mastered at a much faster pace, which will benefit everyone involved, including the trade show attendees. Encourage your staff to know the objectives and probe for ways to improve their skills and understand their purpose. If you build a team full of strong coaches and motivated players, you will win every game. Encourage your exhibiting team to want to be the best, give them the proper tools and objectives to do so, and have patience and trust in their abilities.

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