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MOD-1234 Workstation
MOD-1234 Workstation: The dozens of kiosks and workstations you'll see on Shopforexhibits are fully customizable and the normal ship time is 10 working days!
ShopForExhibits, a nationwide retailer of trade show displays and display cases, is expanding their internet product offering with display booths in the rapidly growing tension fabric displays category. By launching a new state of the art web site, ShopForExhibits hopes to keep pace with future growth challenges by delivering to new prospects the knowledge and product information needed to build confidence in an expanding online retailing strategy. Although the future is anything but certain in this place in time, smart product offerings and reasonable price points will be most important in order to navigate the challenges ahead. Being successful in any business climate requires a level of superior product knowledge and selling skills in order to profitably bring the next generation of trade show exhibits products such as trade show flooring, to the exhibiting business community.
Having the ability to adapt to a changing market in the trade show display industry is the sign of a great supplier, which is what Classic Exhibits has been so skillfully able to accomplish. What did Classic see that gave them the initiative to move forward during bad economic times to create new marketable products? They happen to notice that one or two of the aluminum shapes that they were already purchasing at that time, had a significantly lower cost per linear foot compared to others, and determined that those shapes should first be considered for future product development. As they proceeded ahead based on good gut level instincts and a little careful planning, they've been able to introduce a whole group of successful displays that have all injected new life into the custom modular hybrid displays market. Heading the list of new custom modular hybrid displays is the Perfect 10 followed by the Magellan Miracle and Sacagawea tension fabric displays. Those distributors of trade show exhibit products who represent the Classic Exhibits line, now have a very impressive lineup of exceptional display products from which to select from.