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VK-1028 10 Ft Visionary Designs
VK-1028 10 Ft Visionary Designs: The Visions extrusions that create the lightweight frame, permit it to be affordable when shipping and provides an ease of set up, irrespective of the personnel you have available to assist you. What establishes a good trade show display system, lies in the degree of ease it takes to obtain prompt service to deal with problems or to just order replacement graphics, and not get hammered with the price tag associated with purchasing them. Visions by Classic offers incredible customer support, and through distributors like ShopForExhibits, they can supply customers with templates, file prep guidelines, and FTP sites to make the event almost effortless. Businesses such as Classic Exhibits, who produce the Visions product line of displays, focus a lot of attention on customer service to make the purchase of additional products into customer pleasing events.
In the internet trade show display and trade show flooring business, the function of truly serving our clients is an important function that can't be ignored. We can't be content to just take an order, process it, and move on to the next one. Normally, our clients will be glad to hear what we have to say about the product they're considering purchasing, which ultimately, validates their judgment too. At ShopForExhibits, we're proud to have the experience necessary to truly offer objective advise, and allow our clients to benefit from it.
Adapting to changing market conditions is what every great supplier has to do, and Classic Exhibits, to the delight of their trade show display distributor network, has proven their ability to accomplish just that. How did Classic come up with the right formula for success in the wake of a down economy over the past 4 years? By carefully observing of their own business over time, they became aware of the fact that certain aluminum extrusions had significantly greater value in cost per running foot of metal than other shapes, and concluded that utilizing those particular shapes in future product development could bring great returns in the marketplace. As time passed, they were able to develop from their original plans, an entire group of creative new exhibit products with a range of price points to appeal to an entire spectrum of custom modular hybrid display customers. Classic developed and patented the Perfect 10 custom modular hybrid display system, plus the Sacagawea and Magellan Miracle tension fabric displays. As a result of all the great new trade show exhibit product lines that Classic has available, it’s no surprise that Classic holds a strong market position with their distributor network, and appears not to be letting up one bit as they march into the future!