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5-10' Quadro Full Height Straight Frame Premium Pop Up Displays
Lycra Case Cover
Lycra Case Cover will cover up all the scratch and dirty marks on your pop up displays shipping case so when you attach your case to counter wrap, none of the dirt will show and your presentation will always look pristine as it was on the day you first purchased it.
Graphic Case Wrap with Optional Logo Blotter
The Lambda Graphic Case Wrap gives your Trade Show Display Case some Added Purpose! Go the Extra Mile to Impress Potential Customers with a Graphic Case Wrap! See all our graphic products in the trade show displays graphics shop on SFE.
10 Ft Kit 2 Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up
The Quadro 10' Kit 2 Full Ht. Straight Frame pop up display that you see on the pages of ShopForExhibits.com, are assembled in Portland by Classic Exhibits; one of the few remaining manufacturers of trade show displays left in the U.S. The product lines that Classic manufactures were created over a period of almost 2 decades and all of Classic's many new products have been designed with maximum structural strength in every part.
7 Ft Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up
The Quadro 7' Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up Displays shown here, are manufactured in Portland, Oregon, USA by Classic Exhibits; one of the few remaining manufacturers of portable displays trade show booths left in the U.S.. Each of the lines of portable and modular displays that Classic manufacturers, were developed over a 19 year span of time and with each new product lines they guaranteed that every product, first and foremost had quality construction built in .
5 Ft Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up
The Quadro 5' Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up Display you see on the pages of ShopForExhibits.com are produced in Portland by Classic Exhibits; one of only a few “original equipment manufacturers” still in existence in the United States.
10 Ft Kit 1 Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up
The Quadro 10' Kit 1 Full Ht. Straight Frame Pop Up Display is produced by Classic Exhibits in Portland, Oregon; one of the last few portable pop up display producers in existence in the U.S.. Each and every line of trade show displays that Classic manufactures were designed in house over the last two decades, and with each new product they made certain that every product, first and foremost was structural sound .
5-10 Ft Full Height Straight Frame Premium Pop Up Displays
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Great Assortment of Straight Fame Towers
Digital Information
5-10 Ft Full Height Straight Frame Premium Pop Up: The Quadro straight frame pop up displays, with it's industry leading 18" wide footprint, delivers stability whether it be in a booth or in the middle of a high traffic area without the need for those anoying feet that some manufacturers use to keep their booths from falling over. The straight frame design comes in handy when you want to conserve space in your booth and just need a great wall to present your message upon.
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ShopForExhibits, a nationwide distributor of trade show displays, is expanding their online product offering with exhibit displays in the rapidly expanding tension fabric displays category. By launching a new state of the art web site, ShopForExhibits hopes to keep pace with future growth challenges by supplying prospective customers with the knowledge and product information needed to build confidence in an aggressive online retailing strategy. As a result of the current economic climate, that is anything but predictable, online retailers have to be flexible in what they offer the buying public as well has being aware of the declining price point that businesses are able to pay for trade show related merchandise. Not every business is able to successfully bring new products such as tension fabric displays, to market via the internet, but ShopForExhibits has positioned themselves in a positive manor through their industry and product experience, and on line communication skills, to have the best results in this most competitive market.
Nothing is quite as sure as change, which is why having a trade show exhibit supplier like Classic Exhibits has helped so many distributors weather the tough times through the development of so many new cutting edge products. What did Classic see that gave them the inspiration to move forward during bad economic times to create new marketable products? They happen to notice that one or two of the aluminum shapes that they were already purchasing at that time, had a very low cost per linear foot in comparison to others, and determined that those extrusions should be considered for future product development. As time passed, they were able to bring to market from their original plans, an entire group of creative new display products with a range of price points to appeal to a whole spectrum of custom modular hybrid display customers. Classic developed and patented the Perfect 10 custom modular hybrid display system, plus the Sacagawea and Magellan Miracle tension fabric displays. With all the great new exhibit offerings that Classic has to offer, it’s no wonder that Classic holds a strong market position with their distributor network, and appears not to be slowing down one bit as they charge into the future!