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X Snap Accessories
Lycra Quadro Case Cover
Lycra Case Cover will cover up all the scratch and dirty marks on your pop up displays shipping case so when you attach your case to counter wrap, none of the dirt will show and your presentation will always look pristine as it was on the day you first purchased it.
Halogen or LED Light Carrying Case
When you go out into the business world to explore the many opportunities in buying a trade show exhibit, none will jump out at you quite like the Xpression's Snap Pop Up display system. Upon first inspection you’re not certain what you’ve got, but when you see the overall flexibility that the Xpression's Snap replacement panels has insofar as being able to interchange skins and quickly change them out at a very reasonable cost, the value becomes apparent right away .
Lumina 3 50 Watt Halogen Light
When you go out into the market to explore the many opportunities in buying a exhibit booth, none will stand out quite like the Xpression's Snap Pop Up Display system. Most of us are used to the pop up frames that have photo murals that are hung as large graphic image panels from the top hubs, however this is entirely different because the skins are attached individually.
Xpressions Shelves
Xpressions Pop Up Display Acessories: Change seems to come slow in the trade show displays industry as far as new cutting edge products,
Xpressions Circle Shelves
Change always comes slow in the trade show displays industry relative to new innovative products, however the Xpression's Snap graphics system has moved the exhibit industry a big leap forward all at once.
Xpressions XSnap Counter
Xpressions Display Accessories: lightweight with a big graphic and easy to pack away.
Xpressions Hard Shipping Case
Optima Graphics, with the Xpression's Snap Pop Up Display system, has sure given the exhibit industry something to talk about as the industries first truly 3 dimensional exhibit system. When you first look at it you’re not quite sure what you’ve got, but when you see the versatility that the Xpression's Snap has when it comes to being able to interchange skins and quickly switch them out very economically, the value becomes apparent immediately .
Burst Pop Up Display Shipping Case
Burst Pop Up Display Shipping Case: is a stylish molded case with wheels that is used for several pop up displays systems including the VBurst pop up display system. Its uniqueness comes from the hinged lid that has a compartment for lights.
VBurst Full Dye Sub Case to Counter Conversion Kit
The VBurst Full Dye Sub Case to Counter Conversion Kit is the Ultimate in branding when it comes to a case cover. Make every square inch of it your own, and get noticed while exhibiting in your VBurst pop up display.
X Snap Accessories
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X Snap Accessories If you haven’t heard about the Xpressions Snap trade show exhibit system from Optima by now, you better check them out soon. Virtually every trade show exhibit that you come across is 2 dimensional, but the Experessions exhibit adds the dimension of depth to give you a truly unique look . It’s worthwhile to talk to a sales associate at ShopForExhibits and see how they can consult with you to create a display that will distinguish you from your competition at your first event.